Frictionless gifts and incentives

Automatically send gift and prepaid cards to your recipients with Zapier workflows, built-in integrations for popular HR, CRM, and marketing platforms, or our Giftogram API.

Businesswoman scheduling gift card incentives for her employees
Thousands of the world's most well-known brands trust Giftogram
Automation options

Power your rewards with integrations for every business need

Zapier integrations

Unlock automation with Zapier workflows

Save time and money by automating gift card rewards through Zapier’s seamless, no-code workflows.

  • Reward recipients from the apps you already use
  • Easily automate incentives—no developers needed

Built-in integrations

Leverage our in-app automation tools with hassle-free connections that sync recipients to Giftogram from your company's sales, marketing, and HR tools with hundreds of popular business app integrations.

Sending gift cards internationally

* Some integrations may require a minimum spend

Gift card API

Build custom workflows with our powerful API

Rev up your rewards and incentives! Use Giftogram's API to programmatically send gift and prepaid cards to your users, customers, and survey participants.

  • Save time and resources with reward automation
  • Easily send gifts and rewards from multiple brands
  • Enjoy oversight and reporting through the Giftogram dashboard
Streamline at scale

Automatically send gift cards and payouts in bulk

Zapier workflows
Automatically send gift cards from 1,000s of apps with no-code Zapier workflows.
Smart events
Configure Giftogram to auto-send gifts on important dates and milestones.
100+ integrations
Access hundreds of native integrations to sync recipients from your apps to Giftogram.
Public API
Leverage our public API for flexible, on-demand gift and reward solutions.

Learn why our customers rate us industry leaders on year after year

Frequently asked questions

Giftogram is the preferred platform for businesses of all sizes to send gift cards, prepaid cards, and cash disbursements worldwide. We help you eliminate the guesswork of sending gifts, rewards, and incentives by allowing your recipients to choose their preferred gift or prepaid card.

Our platform is free to send gifts and rewards (yes, no additional fees!) and uniquely designed to send out bulk gifts and rewards.

Yes! Our software enables you to send gifts automatically on specific dates for recipients, such as birthdays or anniversaries, or after a recipient has completed a particular action. You can combine this feature with our built-in integrations for popular HR and CRM software to facilitate 100% automated gifts and rewards.

Giftogram connects to over 7,000 apps through Zapier, spanning various business software categories.

You can easily integrate with various platforms, including CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot, survey tools like SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and Typeform, databases such as Airtable, document tools like Google Sheets, HR platforms like Workday, and marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign and Mailchimp.

To explore the complete list of supported apps, visit Zapier’s website.

We do! Our public API makes it easy to create custom workflows to programmatically send gift cards, prepaid cards, and cash disbursements to your users, customers, and survey participants after they've completed an action.

Schedule a demo to learn more.

Do you need something custom? Let's talk! Our customer success and in-house engineering teams are experts at solving unique automation and integration challenges.

At Giftogram, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to exceptional service. We are eager to understand your needs better and showcase how Giftogram can effectively address them. Schedule a demo with our Customer Success team today!

Getting started is quick and easy! Sign up for a free account, and you can begin sending gift cards in under five minutes.

If you would like to discuss your company or organization's needs or need help onboarding an enterprise account, schedule a meeting with our customer success team.

Ready to simplify your company's gifts and rewards?

Create a free account to get started or call us, Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST, at +1 (973) 887-1600.

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