Gift card incentives

Motivate and engage your customers with our scalable solution that rewards them with a gift card of their choice, boosting satisfaction and loyalty.
Consumer incentive gift cards by Giftogram
Thousands of the world's most well-known brands trust Giftogram
How it works

Eliminate gifting guesswork—let recipients pick their perfect gift card

Digital gift card
1. Receive a Giftogram
The recipient receives your Giftogram and follows the simple instructions.
Choose your own gift card
2. Choose a gift card
They choose their preferred gift or prepaid card from hundreds of today's top brands.
3. Use online or in-store
The recipient can use their gift or prepaid card immediately online or in-store.
Why choose Giftogram?

The easiest way to reward and motivate your customers at scale

Send in bulk
Transform a spreadsheet into thousands of happy recipients with just a few clicks.
Deliver choice
Offer a gift card of their choice, simplifying delivery and ensuring satisfaction.
Pay as you go
No up-front costs or additional fees—pay only for the gift cards you send.
Send internationally
Send gift cards and prepaid cards globally, effortlessly bridging geographical gaps.
Gift automation
Automate thoughtfulness and appreciation with event-triggered gifts and rewards.
Custom branding
Personalize gift cards with your brand logo and colors to reflect your identity.
Seamless integrations
Integrate popular HR and CRM platforms for seamless reward management.
Personalized support
Guided by our customer success team, we'll meet your objectives together.

Learn why our customers rate us industry leaders on year after year

All-in-one dashboard

Your toolkit for sending personalized gift cards and prepaid cards in bulk

Personalize for your recipient and brand

Create branded gifts and rewards with custom messages and designs for any occasion.

  • Add your logo, brand colors, and personalized message
  • Choose a gift card design for special occasions
  • Design a custom greeting card for physical gift cards


Effortlessly send gift cards around the globe

Streamline gifting worldwide with Giftogram's easy-to-use platform—deliver gift and prepaid cards internationally.

  • Send gift cards in international currencies for global brands
  • Offer international prepaid cards
  • Deliver a user experience tailored to the recipient's language
Sending gift cards and prepaid cards internationally
Third party apps to send gift cards

Automate your gifts, rewards, and incentives

Directly integrate your favorite HR, CRM, and marketing platforms, such as Workday, Salesforce, and MailChimp, into your workflow or build your own with our API.

  • Connect popular third-party HR, CRM, and marketing apps
  • Integrate our API into your workflow for customized automation
Two ways to gift

Digital and physical gift cards

Digital cards
Most Popular

Easily send custom gift cards to your entire list in just a few clicks.

  • No inventory
  • Same-day delivery
  • API and integrations for automated workflow
Physical cards

Effortlessly order high-quality, custom plastic gift cards.

  • Branded and customizable
  • Direct mail service is available
  • Custom greeting cards (optional)

Frequently asked questions

Giftogram is the preferred platform for businesses of all sizes to send gift cards, prepaid cards, and cash disbursements worldwide. We help you eliminate the guesswork of sending gifts, rewards, and incentives by allowing your recipients to choose their preferred gift or prepaid card.

Our platform is free to send gifts and rewards (yes, no additional fees!) and uniquely designed to send out bulk gifts and rewards.

Nope! With Giftogram, you only pay the face value for digital and physical gift cards and digital prepaid cards, allowing you to give 100% of your budget to your recipient.

There is a low handling fee when sending physical prepaid cards.

You sure can! Make your gifts truly unique by incorporating your company's logo and brand colors. You also have the option to integrate multiple brand identities, creating a personalized gifting experience that truly reflects your company's identity, all managed from a single account!

Absolutely! Giftogram makes it easy to send gift cards and prepaid cards worldwide.

Choose from a wide range of options: send regional gift cards to numerous countries across the Americas, Europe, Australia, and Asia, or opt for the flexibility of sending prepaid Visa, Mastercard, or PayPal to almost any location worldwide.

Yes, Giftogram has enterprise-level reporting capabilities built right in. Our all-in-one, intuitive dashboard makes tracking team activity and reward spending easy, as well as creating custom expense reports for download and more.

At Giftogram, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to exceptional service. We are eager to understand your needs better and showcase how Giftogram can effectively address them. Schedule a demo with our Customer Success team today!

Getting started is quick and easy! Sign up for a free account, and you can begin sending gift cards in under five minutes.

If you would like to discuss your company or organization's needs or need help onboarding an enterprise account, schedule a meeting with our customer success team.

Ready to simplify your company's gifts and rewards?

Create a free account to get started or call us, Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST, at +1 (973) 887-1600.

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