5 creative ways to use digital rewards for survey participation

Emily Patz
Emily Patz
Posted June 10, 2024 in Survey Incentives

Candid customer feedback and revealing market research can transform your company’s products, services, and brand for the better, and surveys are the most efficient way to generate this game-changing data at scale.

If past survey attempts have garnered low response rates, try adding some creativity to get your targeted audience excited and promoting incentives so more people see value in taking the time to join in.


Ramp up survey participation with these 5 creative ideas that incorporate digital rewards

From head-turning survey invitations to wow-worthy sweeps prizes, you’ll find lots of ways to flex the appeal of digital survey rewards.

Our advice? Start here, and don’t stop at one approach. In fact, consider trying them all to see what types of survey incentives give your response rates the greatest lift.

1. Let prospective participants know they’ll receive their reward right away

When you spend time and money curating awesome survey incentives, make sure you let potential participants know that they’re in for a treat—and that they won’t have to wait to enjoy it.

Messaging like Earn $50 in 5 minutes can skyrocket open rates on your emails and click rates on banners because the allure of instant gratification is hard to pass up.

Pro tip: You can integrate Giftogram digital survey rewards with many popular survey tools or even use our flexible public API with your own platform or website to deliver automatic rewards the moment someone completes a survey.

2. Offer tiered digital survey rewards to increase engagement

With our ever-waning attention spans, shorter surveys typically perform best. However, sometimes you need more from participants than what the recommended 10-question, single-page survey can produce.

Tiered digital survey rewards can encourage target participants to opt in to more comprehensive surveys by promising greater rewards.

For example, you could create a survey hub with five surveys covering multiple different topics.

A quick, generic survey about customer satisfaction could promote a $10 reward for completion.

On the other hand, a product preview survey may include open text boxes, multiple pages, and an average survey completion time of 25 minutes. For optimal results, you could consider bumping up the reward for this survey to a higher, more enticing amount like $50.

By showcasing all available surveys to your most loyal customers with tiered rewards that keep time and effort in mind, your company can glean valuable feedback from the people you want to hear from most.

Pro tip: With Giftogram, you can choose digital gift card and prepaid card amounts in denominations of five from $5 to $500, so creating tiered incentives that fit your budget is a breeze.

3. Tailor rewards so they’re themed based on survey content or your target audience

There’s no doubt that survey incentives drive participation—especially when the rewards reflect the wants and interests of prospective participants.

Think about the overall theme of your survey and design your survey incentive accordingly.

For example, if you’re asking what kinds of products or services would energize customers about your brand, deliver an instant energy boost with a digital gift card to their favorite coffee spot.

On the other hand, you can tap into your customer community with gift cards that celebrate the values they share with your brand.

Let’s say your company is a wellness brand. You can reward survey participants with digital gift cards to spas, outdoor stores, and other retailers that promote wellness to bolster their brand love.

Pro tip: Giftogram allows your team to opt for curated gift card catalogs that fit the following themes:

  • Coffee shops
  • Restaurants & food delivery
  • Dining & entertainment
  • Health & wellness
  • Movies & games
  • And custom options for your business!


4. Surprise and delight survey participants with “just because” rewards

You don’t always have to promote rewards up front.

If you’d rather treat digital rewards as icing on the cake for a select group of survey takers, a “surprise and delight” approach can sweeten your post-survey thank-you note.

This move will make their day and ensure they’ll keep their eyes on their inbox for your next survey invitation.

Pro tip: With Giftogram as your digital rewards platform, you can send one or 1,000 digital gift card rewards in just minutes. That means a quick decision to send rewards after a survey is complete can be just that—really fast. (And did we mention easy?)

5. Host a sweepstakes along with your survey

If your latest survey budget is too slim to reward everyone, consider bundling those dollars into a few prizes that survey participants can win in a random drawing.

Promote your survey with the chance to win a gift card and encourage survey participation as a means of entry.

If your budget was $500, you could announce first, second, and third prize gift cards in tiered amounts or offer a single $500 gift card prize.

Pro tip: Giftogram invites digital gift card recipients to choose their gift from over 200 top retailers, so you can bet that your prizes and incentives will appeal to anyone on your email list.

Ready to get started with some of these creative solutions?

See how Giftogram’s digital rewards platform can help your team increase survey response rates with incentives that invite creativity and inspire engagement.

Contact the Giftogram team at hello@giftogram.com or call 973-887-1600.

Ready to simplify your company's gift card program?

Create a free account to get started or call us, Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST, at +1 (973) 887-1600.

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