8 Social Media Posts that Attract Prospective Employees

Emily Patz
Emily Patz
Posted November 1, 2018 in Recruiting

From candid snapshots of office life to engaging people profiles, social media posts that attract prospective employees are a great way to show candidates you’d love to lure in for an interview that working for your company offers more than a job, it offers a lifestyle. (And a vibrant, shareable one at that!)

In addition to the benefits of leveraging social media to recruit awesome candidates, current employees will enjoy representing their company by contributing their photos, thoughts, and stories to your feed.

Check out these 8 types of social media posts you can pepper into your posting calendar today. 

Insta-Recruit with Eye-Catching Job Postings

Your next star candidate might not be actively searching for a new opportunity, so catch their eyes where they engage regularly: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Go beyond the basic text job posting and give yours a graphic pop with a show-stopping image and bold font. By incorporating a visual spin to your recruiting efforts, you can generate a pipeline of top-notch talent with ease.

Show Off Your Office Style

Get maximum ROI on your chic office digs by giving prospective employees a peek at where your team spends their workday. Feature design-savvy scenes and quotes from employees talking about the benefits of your open plan office, collaborative meeting spaces, fully-stocked kitchen, and personalized desks.

Office space decorated with employee's personal items

Create Buzz with a Glimpse of Your Culture

What about your work culture differentiates your company from others in the area? Whether you offer a progressive parental leave policy, a pup-friendly work environment, or flex scheduling in the name of work-life balance, share how your culture benefits and celebrates employees on your company blog under a special category like “Life at [COMPANY NAME]”.

Spotlight Departments and Teams

Prospective applicants will respond to a realistic view of 9-5 life at your company before making a move. When you have multiple openings in a department, create a blog post that puts the projects, people, and perks of working on that team on full display in a blog post. Be sure to link to open positions within the blog post, so readers can apply the moment they’re sold.

Feature the People Who Make Work Fun

The truth about work is that you end up spending more time with your coworkers than you do with your partner, friends, and family. That’s why adding a personal touch to your blog can prove to be successful. Examples include: 5 Awesome Design Books Our Creative Team is Loving Right Now, Must-Watch Ted Talks from Our Leadership Team, and 8 Employees Dish on Their Favorite Local Lunch Spots.

Employee playing guitar to make work environment more fun

Celebrate Employee Growth Stories

When someone considers investing years of service to a company, they want to know that their first position is just that. Profile employees whose impressive career paths have been directly guided and influenced by your company’s career development initiatives. Think about people who started in entry level roles and worked their way up to leadership positions and ask them to share their path to growth, along with how they were supported and propelled by your company.

Show Your Values in Action

Social responsibility is a huge draw to prospective employees. How does your company give back? From your employee volunteer program to corporate philanthropy initiatives, make the good you do known to prospective employees by posting about volunteer days, food drives, and matching gift perks on your blog.

Champion Progress as Part of Your Culture

Highlight your diversity and inclusion initiatives on social media through inspiring photos, candid interviews, and employee impact statistics. These issues matter to many of today’s job seekers, and social media is a great avenue to show they matter to you, too. Share photos from employees who celebrated pride or attended the women’s march. Feature working parents and their take on how your company’s flex scheduling or parental leave policy has helped them maintain a balance. Publish statistics that show you value diversity on your teams, from development to leadership.

Working mom enjoying a flexible schedule

3 Steps for a Successful HR Social Media Stream

Many good ideas never come to fruition when there’s no clear answer as to who’s responsible. Here are 3 steps you can take as a human resources professional to ensure that social media can be a proven channel for engaging and recruiting awesome employees.

1. Lean on the Experts
Your best bet for getting set is to work with the people who understand best practices and current trends for social media because it’s part of their job. Collaborate with your company’s marketing team who can lend you the talents (and a little bit of time) from their social media coordinator, copywriter, and designer so that your posts are professionally written, styled, and scheduled for maximum impact. 

2. Start with Less, Then Track and Test
Because the people you’ll rely on to create posts already have full plates, tailor your ask to the amount of time they’re realistically able to dedicate to your social media campaign. Start with one or two posts per week across all of the social media channels your company uses currently, and track how they perform. Once you know what works and what doesn’t, tweak your posting plan to invest in the type of content that gets the most engagement.

3. Ask Candidates What Resonates
When interviewing a candidate, ask them if they saw any of your social media posts. If they did, find out if a particular post was a selling point in their decision to apply. If not, ask them what kind of information would be appealing to them in their job search to inspire future post ideas.

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