10 Reasons to Choose Giftogram for Your Year-End Company Gift

Emily Patz
Emily Patz
Posted November 2, 2021 in Holiday Gift Cards

From the string of festive holidays to the close of the final quarter, year-end provides many opportunities to show employees, customers, and vendors alike just how much you appreciate them. With lots to do and lots to celebrate, establishing a process for gifting at scale is a must. But with so many options to choose from, finding the right gifting solution for your business can be a challenge. 

Check out ten reasons why Giftogram gift cards are a great fit for corporate gifting, especially during a year-end season when shipping delays and stock shortages are headline news

Reason #1. Rest Assured That Your Gifts Will Arrive On Time

As 2021 comes to a close, guaranteed anything is gold. Whether you choose physical or digital gift cards, we guarantee quick delivery times:

  • Digital gift cards: Free same-day delivery right to recipients’ inboxes
  • Physical gift cards: Ground shipping orders deliver within five days  
  • Two and three-day shipping options are available for physical gift cards

Why spend an already hectic time of year worrying about whether or not your gifts will get to their intended destination on time? Choose Giftogram and you’re all set. 


Reason #2. Unlimited Stock Means Guaranteed Gifts

Gifting at scale is no simple task during a global supply chain crisis. Fortunately, Giftogram gift cards never run out of stock. Really! You can order gifts for 10 employees or 10,000, and we’ll complete your order in full and on time.

Reason #3. Everyone Will Love Their Gift

Let’s face it. No one ever says, “I hope they’ll give me a gift basket.” While we all want different things, the perfect holiday gift is the same in our minds: something we’ll use and enjoy. Giftogram makes this possible by inviting recipients to choose their gift from over 200 of today’s most popular retailers, including Amazon, Target, TJ Maxx, and more. See the full list.


Reason #4. Brand Your Gift for Free

Your corporate gifting program is a reflection of your brand. Rather than give a gift card with a Visa logo, you can add your company’s logo to Giftogram gift cards so that the recipient’s instant impression of their year-end gift channels increased affinity for your business. See how easy it is to brand your gift.

Reason #5. Spend Your Entire Gift Budget on Actual Gifts

You want your employees, customers, and vendors to receive their whole gift. Unfortunately, the per-person dollar allocation for your recipients is quickly cut down by:

  • Generic shipping fees
  • 2021 holiday shipping surcharges 
  • Product markups due to inflation and shortages

When you choose Giftogram’s digital gift cards, your recipients receive every dollar that’s meant to be spent on them - no shipping fees, no surcharges, and no markups.



Reason #6. Avoid Fees that Accompany Prepaid Debit Cards

When evaluating gift cards for the year-end company gift, many organizations consider the convenience and flexibility of prepaid gift cards. The problem is that they often don’t realize the host of fees that come along with them. Just like shipping fees and markups, the costs associated with prepaid debit cards take away from the gifts you meant for your recipients. 

Fees include:

  • Activation fees: These per-card fees just to add value to your prepaid debit cards can range anywhere from $1.00 to $9.95
  • Transaction fees: Many prepaid debit cards incur a transaction fee of $3.95 every time the card is used
  • Monthly fees: A monthly fee for each month the card is active can range anywhere from $2.00 to $7.00 

Learn more about why Giftograms are a smart alternative to prepaid gift cards. 



Reason #7. Consider Your Gift-Wrapping Duties Complete

While presentation matters for your company’s year-end gift, the time and costs required to dazzle recipients can put a dent in your budget as well as the time you set aside to complete Q4 projects. Giftogram handles the presentation for you in multiple ways:

Gift card: Choose a stunning holiday or year-end design from our gift card design catalog. Designs are available for both physical and digital gift cards.

Add your company’s logo for free. 
Prefer to use your own design? Uploading it is easy!

Email (for digital delivery): Digital Giftograms are sent to your recipients’ inboxes in a beautifully designed email that reflects the design of your gift card. The email includes space for you to add your year-end message.

Greeting card carrier (for physical delivery): For physical Giftograms, you can opt to purchase a greeting card for $1 each. Your gift cards will arrive assembled in a greeting card carrier that matches the design of your gift cards and is printed with your company’s year-end message. 


Reason #8. Short on Time? Opt for Free Same-Day Delivery

This year-end, the squeeze on shipping carriers is so tight that many retailers are opting to nix economy shipping in favor of speedier, more streamlined options. And guess who’s expected to cover those costs? 

With Giftogram, you can access quick and convenient same-day delivery for no added cost at all. All digitally-delivered gift cards can be sent to your recipients on the same day you order them. You can also opt to schedule them at a date and time you choose. Either way, digital delivery is totally free.

Reason #9. Share Your Company’s Holiday Message at the Perfect Moment

While digitally-delivered gifts are trending for a reason, many providers don’t allow an appropriate amount of space for companies to include a holiday message. Conflicting work and vacation schedules make getting everyone together a nearly impossible feat, so this may be your one opportunity to communicate your gratitude to employees for their hard work and your appreciation for the loyalty of your customers. Giftogram understands the value of pairing your year-end gift with a heartfelt message, which is why we invite you to include your company message in the email that delivers your Giftogram. 


Reason #10. Establish a Seamless Gifting Strategy for Year-Round Needs

Giftogram is more than just a one-off gift to complete your year-end to-do list. We provide a platform that makes it easy to manage your corporate gifting needs all year long. 

  • Send or schedule branded gift cards with a custom message 
  • Allow managers to send team gifts and gifts for contractors and vendors
  • Review your spending details in real-time with easily accessible reports
  • Keep your spending budget secure by allocating what users can spend

Best of all, our Customer Success team partners with you every step of the way - from creating your gift card design to managing and distributing your order. See our platform for yourself in a quick, no-strings-attached demo.

Gain a Partner in your Year-End Gifting Program

We’re set to help you deliver your best company gift yet! Call the Giftogram Team at (973) 887-1600 or Create Your Free Account online to get started.

Ready to simplify your company's gift card program?

Create a free account to get started or call us, Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm EST, at +1 (973) 887-1600.

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